total comments: 8

  1. This one makes you realize how unobservant you can be on your first pass through the game. Great and fun game, thanks!

  2. Sniffthrough:

    As usual you start out looking at the door but this time there’s a young lady standing there.
    You try your best line but it looks like you’re out of luck.
    Maybe there’s some aspirin lying around.
    Now you notice Sniff 1 to the right of the door and Sniff 2 on the tree.
    Moving left you spot Sniff 3 on the shelves on the right and see that 3 = red.
    Not having a clue what that means you note it down and move on.
    The ceiling shows you that 4 = cyan so you put that with the red 3.
    Nothing but useless coffee cups on the table but you cleverly notice the black key in the window frame.
    Turning left again you notice four colour spots on the left cupboard but as you only have two you put this on the back burner.
    You open the right cupboard with the key to find Sniff 4, a red pen which makes you see STARS and that 5 = green.
    5? Since when has Guntars used 5 colours?
    Aww what a cute little Teddy Bear on the back of the couch.
    Looks like he’s not so friendly after all but at least you’re now one lipstick to the good.
    Left again and you now have a choice of seating.
    Nothing doing at the beanbag until you notice the FF cunningly hidden on the cushion.
    It’s too dark to see under the couch and as you’re getting a little tired with all this searching you decide to take a break on the stool.
    This turns out to be fortunate as not only do you see that 1 = black but that there is a pen on the window frame.
    The rest seems to have worked wonders for your observation as you now notice the outline on the wall.
    Sliding open the secret panel you find Sniff 5 and some pills.
    Maybe they’ll cure that headache!
    Nope – they are stomach pills.
    Being sneaky you change the description on the bottle with the black pen and give them to the unsuspecting girl.
    Your reward for this underhanded subterfuge is Sniff 6 and 2 = yellow.
    Lippying the mirror tells you what to do and hammering the light nets you Sniff 7 and a big knife.
    Now for that useless beanbag!
    A quick bit of Freddie Krueger and the beanbag reveals Sniff 8 and a flashlight.
    Using the light under the couch gets you Sniff 9 and SIX = pink? This is getting ridiculous!
    Several pointless laps of the room and much head scratching later you remember the stars when you picked up the red pen so you try it on the star on the tree.
    There’s Sniff 10 and four numbers in a square.
    Now we’re cooking on gas!
    Using four of the six colours on the left cupboard you gain Sniff 11 and a quick ffing of the wall nets you Sniff 12.
    Pausing only to thank Guntars for yet another marvellous game you head for the door and freedom.

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