total comments: 7

  1. Awesome as ever.
    The best game series.
    Thanks for the memories Guntars.

  2. Excellent game just one thing.....

    .one of the stars was a bit hard to find the location.
    Other than that, fantastic game!! Thank you Guntars for the fun xoxo

  3. Thanks for another cool game!
    Yes, Christmas is coming.... Time flies... :(

  4. Oh that was great. My problem was that

    I had guessed the correct color of one of the dots before finding the clue. When I found the clue it opened the door, but I didn't realize it and it took forever for me to click that spot to find what was inside!
    Keep 'em coming!

  5. I felt foolish for having a problem with the number. I ended up having to write it down on a piece of paper and, turning it over to get it. You gave all of us the joy of Sniffmouse Real World Escape again. Thank you for renewing them. I posted my remarks on Saturday, but it didn't post.

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